Life is indeed beautiful..It took me more than two decades to realize the same. We let go little joys of life waiting for something big.. but life is not about few big things, it is collection of million little moments of happiness & love...Sharing my encounter with ‘Beautiful Life’ and bringing out the emotions from the corner of my heart…..

Monday, November 19, 2012

As I went closer to nature....

Day 1
Walking on the beach........hand in hand with my lovely companion....admiring the sound of the waves......watching the deep orange sun ball going down slow in the sea...birds chirping, somehow adding to the serenity...

Day 2
Sailing in the sea.......
Water...water ...everywhere...changing colors with sun's reflection...Deep Blue...Dark Green....
Inhaling the fresh cool sea breeze....all my senses relaxed...... 

 Day 3
Deep inside...Exploring another world which is so alive........lovely fishes...beautiful colored corals.......making me forget the world I belonged to........A part of me wanting to stay here....and another part wanting to go back.......

Touched yet another form of nature...It was indeed beautiful !! Salute to you, The Creator !!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rain Again...

It's Raining again...It makes me feel like dancing, it makes me feel like singing, it makes me feel like writing...

Every bit of His creation getting  pure with rain ...

Rain-it's cleansing the earth, the sky and every living soul....

It has seen me has seen me happy, it has seen me sad, it has seen my pain too..and here it has come again..wetting the land of my heart..

First shower of the season gives the feeling similar to falling in love...with excitement and butterflies in stomach...and then when the rain's like settling in love..drenching in emotions..feeling the beauty of life and nature...

Oh God..your earth is so beautiful and rain is simply enhancing this beauty...Green wet earth covered with white blue sky...

Feeling the raindrops...feeling the cool breeze...lovely rain reminding me of lovely life I am bestowed with :)

~ Shail

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Those Eyes...

The deep brown eyes..
The silent eyes...saying few beautiful words...
Didn't know that eyes could also smile..
Shine of stars...freshness of flowers...warmth of love...those innocent eyes
So pure as if have seen only the goods of the world..
Color of dreams in those open eyes...
Reflecting tranquility, beauty and magic at the same time...
So full of life...
Looking at me...all the search of the world ends here..
Surely a mirror to a beautiful soul...Those eyes...

~ Shail

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Bride

She looks most beautiful on the earth today.......
Her Silent smile is speaking volumes...
Her twinkling eyes could not hide dreams..
Today, she is entering a new world..

Carrying with her the brightness of Shinning Stars...
Her reflection in the Silver round moon; and the moonlight - her charm...
The beautiful night sky opening its arms to her..
Everything around so magical...

Yes..She is a bride..
May She get the best of life...


Monday, February 20, 2012

कौन हो तुम.....

हकीक़त हो या सपना हो
या दिल में बसा कोई अपना हो
खवाबों की गलियों से चल कर मन आँगन में आये हो
मेरे जीवन के अम्बर पर इन्द्रधनुष से छाए हो
कभी लगे एक सुन्हेरा ख़याल हो तुम
कभी लगे एक प्यारा एहसास हो तुम
जादू हो या कोई जूनून
कौन हो तुम....कौन हो तुम??
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