Life is indeed beautiful..It took me more than two decades to realize the same. We let go little joys of life waiting for something big.. but life is not about few big things, it is collection of million little moments of happiness & love...Sharing my encounter with ‘Beautiful Life’ and bringing out the emotions from the corner of my heart…..

Saturday, May 8, 2010

For Ma

I just caught hold of my old dairy this morning and found this poem written by me in my school days for my mother. I remember sending it to her with all emotions of a little girl studying away from home.

Thought it’s a perfect occasion, being Mother’s Day today, to acknowledge my mom’s contribution in my life………

"She is a candle.........showing me the light
She is a flower.........telling me to look towards the light
She is a cloud..........showering on me the rain of love
She is a tree...........protecting me from hotness of sorrow
She is a me the water of happiness
She is the earth........teaching me to be patient
She is a mountain.......preaching me to be strong
She is nature..showing me the peace hidden in simplicity
She is the silver moon light.......inspiring me to write "
~Little Me

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