Isn’t it strange the way season changes?
Different Seasons of nature……… summer, winter, autumn, rain…….. With every season, the nature changes and ‘the feel’ changes, as well. Every season has its own grace. The nature becomes beautiful in its own way, with each new season.
Winter brings with it foggy white elegant mornings, warming sunlit afternoons, the joy of cuddling warm blanket and sipping hot soups……..
Summers are marked with long evenings, pleasures of cool showers, summer shopping, ice creams and shakes……
Rain crawls in with lovely weather, dancing drops, greenery all around, taste of fried snacks and beating loud music…
Different seasons of life……..Pain, Happiness, Love, Sadness……..With every season, my life changed……… Each new season did wonder to me…
Pain arrived and instilled strength in my spirit……..brought me closer to the ‘closed’ ones. Tears ran and washed my soul…
Happiness came with super delight...
Sadness ended with added humbleness to me……..
Trouble made me realize my potential….and left me a better person…
Achievement filled me with confidence and proud……
Failure made me to value success…..
My heart enriched and grew beautiful with passing of each and every season through it…….
“Love touches you and your life become more beautiful………”
Just a random thought……I told you!!!
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