It was a Sunday night…Monday morning blues were already catching me. I offered the daily dose of little prayer to my Almighty and embraced the bed for ‘Heavenly Sleep’. Few hours later (as it seemed to me), I was woken up by a sudden thud……….I opened my eyes to see the divine light around…I was at this strange place that seemed to me like a set of some mythological movie......As I looked around, I traced a little boy. Totally confused, I enquired, “Who are you? Where am I?” The little one smiled and replied, “I am God and you are in Heaven….” And listening that... I laughed……..I laughed hard. The boy was silent and still smiling, he said, “Don’t you believe me…number of times you have said that you have faith in Me.”
‘Puzzled Me’: And why are you here with me?
‘Probably God’: To Grant you one wish.
‘Puzzled Me’: Why me?
‘Probably God’: Because you have faith in me
‘Amazed Me’: Can I ask for anything?
‘Certainly God’: Anything………but anything for you only.
I was super delighted….thinking hard….my brain working twice as faster…..come on, what do I want for myself……….Money……..hmmm… ‘No’………I’ll not be able to enjoy the money not earned by me, will earn it myself………..Love……..I have enough of it in the form of family and friends………..Happiness…....I don’t need to ask for it, I am capable of making myself happy – I’ve learnt it and already tried it…….
What else??? I was running short of time……fearing that ‘The God’ might change his mind…I started thinking about my daily life……..Me hitting the snooze button of alarm thrice and waking up with it’s fourth hellish ring….running to leave for office in time… cooking… burned chapattis at times……. skipped breakfasts…. Headaches…struggle to keep emotions at bay at workplace (being girl, it’s a bit difficult)…….. Groceries running out of stock…..unending household chores……. n number of bills to pay …….Blah…Blah……Blah
“I wish to be a Super-Woman” I blurted.
He Grinned...“Granted”
And there goes my alarm clock……..the marvelous scene of ‘The Heaven’ was slowly vanishing……..I was wondering if I’ve actually met God……..And then my hand pressed that snooze button…as usual, I got up late..again me, running and rolling to reach office in time………but today with an incessant smile and hope that someday it might come true and I be a SUPER-WOMAN, managing all shows of my life with sheer Perfection !!